In-Person Instruction Resumes (Sophomores and Juniors)

October 28, 2020 all-day
NOVA Academy
500 W. Santa Ana Blvd.
Santa Ana
CA 92701

Students in the Hybrid Program will be on campus 5 days a week. Freshmen and Seniors return on Monday 10/26. Sophomores and Juniors return on Wednesday 10/28.

All students in the 100% Remote Program will follow the same bell schedule as the Hybrid Program and will complete the lesson warm up at the beginning of class and the exit ticket at end of class simultaneously with their peers. When working on assignments or projects, the teacher will be providing support and feedback to students in the Hybrid program in person and to the students in the 100% Remote Program virtually during office hours and electronically through feedback on work completed.

To read our safety plan for reopening campus, please click here.