Steps to Enroll

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New and returning students may register to attend NOVA Academy as outlined below.


New students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 are invited to enroll for the upcoming school year during NOVA Academy’s Open Enrollment period. Students may transfer to NOVA Academy during the school year or enroll after the Open Enrollment period, if space allows. To go directly to our enrollment page, click here. For personal assistance, please call Stephanie Cuevas at 714-569-0948, ext. 1024.

Here are the steps to enroll as a new student at NOVA Academy:

Step 1: Submit an Intent to Enroll Form

During the open enrollment period, an Intent to Enroll form must be completed and returned in person to NOVA Academy by the designated end date. Late forms will not be accepted. Each child applying must have his or her own form on file. (If the open enrollment period has ended, students may still enroll based on space available for their grade level.)

Step 2: Public Random Drawing

NOVA Academy admits students subject to its capacity. If the number of pupils who wish to attend exceeds the school’s capacity at any grade level, admission shall be determined by public random drawing. The public is welcome to attend the drawing but presence is not required. NOVA Academy will post the results of the drawing on the school office window and on its website. No information will be provided over the phone. Students who are not selected via the lottery will be placed on a waitlist and will be notified if space becomes available for their admittance.

Step 3: Complete an Enrollment Packet

Enrollment packets are available online via a link to Aeries that will be provided. They may also be picked up at the front office or during an event hosted by NOVA Academy during the enrollment period (Information Meeting, Open House, Student Shadow Day, etc.).  Students who are selected in the public random lottery may also receive and submit their completed enrollment packet immediately following the public random lottery.

The enrollment packet requires the following information: US or foreign government-issued identification, immunization records, reasonable proof of residency as listed in the enrollment packet (utility bill, verification letter, etc.), unofficial transcripts or 8th grade report card, and CELDT scores. Enrollment packets missing any information will be considered incomplete and will not be accepted. Enrollment packets must be completed and returned to NOVA Academy’s school office with all required documentation no later than the deadline designated.  Admission will be forfeited if the packet is not received by this deadline.

Step 4: Acceptance

Within a week after the documentation deadline, students will receive a letter of acceptance and information regarding NOVA Academy’s InNOVAtion Summer Institute for incoming freshmen. Enrollment offers are valid only for the applied academic year.

Step 5: Attend Summer InNOVAtion

NOVA Academy’s Summer InNOVAtion is a free program for all incoming 9th graders. It is designed to ensure students’ successful transition from middle school to high school and help foster new friendships. During Summer InNOVAtion, students begin to work on their individual high school academic plan and goals. They learn about our college program, career path opportunities, AP Courses, high school graduation requirements, tutoring opportunities, clubs on campus, teachers’ office hours, etc. In addition, students tour a college or university campus (ie: UCLA, UCI, CSUF, etc.) to help fuel their college dreams.


To secure enrollment for the following school year, current students at NOVA Academy must complete an Intent to Return form by the specified deadline. This form will be distributed directly to students during school hours and given to parents during information meetings, when possible. If an Intent to Return form is not received by the specified deadline, the student’s position will not be held for the next school year.

Click here to access the Charter School Complaint Notice and Form.